Electricity is a broad topic and there are different types of electricity. Two of these types of electricity are static and current. They are both able to be conducted and insulated, as well as also both being able to build up electrical charge but they are not the same. One big difference is that static is a moving charge and current is not.
Static is a form of electrical charge that can be made by contact of two objects. This contact is called friction. When the two objects rub together they create something called "stsatic buildup", this causes an imbalance. One object takes more of the positive charge and the other object takes more of the negative charge. Like charges repel each other, and because there are so many of one kind of charge in one object, the object trys to get rid of the excess charge. An example the charges attracting each other is when some one rubs a balloon on their hair. This rubbing is creating a negative charge which is causing static electricity to form. When the balloon is lifted the persons hair may rise or stick to the balloon. This is because different charges attract each other (the friction has caused the the objects to have two opposing charges). An example of charge repelling each other, is when a person shuffle their feet across carpet. They are collecting electrons which is creating static buildup. When the person touches something metal or another person a spark can be created as well as an electrical shock. This is showing the repulsion of electrical charges (in terms of static charge).
Current elecricity, althong it has similaritys, it is different from static. Static electricity is able to move more freely but current electrcity has to move along a path. The path is usually through a conductor of electricity like metal. The electrons that have to move along the path. Electric current is also known as "electric charge in motion". Current energy is pretty much just electricity.